Thursday 26 November 2015

Christmas cottage

Hi All

This is a little project i have been meaning to do for a while, my wife bought some Christmas ornaments a few years age now, and would put them out on the window sill. And i kept on saying they look silly on there own we should make a little seen for them, so this year i decided to have a go.


Foam board
Pva Glue
1/8" Balsa wood
Glue gun
Bicarbonate of soda ( secret weapon )
Basic shape

First job was to mark out my cottage shape this from a random picture. Foam board can be picked up from any good hobby store and is really easy to cut with a craft knife, 
The next step is to cover the outer face with thin strips of balsa wood which gave the cottage a ship lap style finish, i also added a wall paper effect on the inside as i was going to light up the inside with LED later.
Once all the walls were covered i then glued everything together to give me the basic shape of the cottage
I then added a few little items inside which  i could not get to once the roof was on
fire place and christmas tree, this room would be  illuminated with a couple of LED.

i started to paint the outer building and add a row of LED lights as this would have been difficult to do with the roof in place.
i decided to decorate the outside up with a garland, to do this i first marked out the basic shape on to a piece of thin card. i then used spray glue on the card and then added small amounts of scenery scatter then spraying more glue and adding more scatter until i achieved  the desired effect 

Once i was happy with the basic structure i glued down the cottage on to another piece of foam board. i added plants trees and bushes around the base.

Now to create the snow effect

For this i had to create the illusion of depth and thickness, so i used polystyrene i fitted it everywhere i was going to cover with snow IE the roof and the ground. i smoothed of the edges on the roof and cut around the bushes and trees.

the snow was made by mixing PVA glue with sodium bicarbonate i mixed it into a thick past that was pourable i then started to pour it over the ground and roof area taking care not to let it run and drip from the roof area. Once it had dried which took a couple of days i noticed it had a yellow stain, this was fixed by painting it with white acrylic paint i also sprinkled over it some fine white glitter.
As you can see in the dark it looks great and realistic.